To Scale or Not to Scale
Performance PlateApril 16, 2024x
23:3021.51 MB

To Scale or Not to Scale

The Performance Plate Podcast Unweighs Weight Loss

3:194">Obsessed with the scale but getting nowhere? You're not alone. In this episode of the Performance Plate Podcast, we delve into the science and psychology of using the scale for weight loss.

5:31">We explore two key studies:

  • 7:212">The Power of Self-Monitoring: Discover research that highlights the importance of tracking weight for successful weight loss and maintenance. Frequent self-monitoring can keep you accountable and motivated.
  • The Emotional Rollercoaster: We examine another study that reveals how the scale can impact your mood. For some, regular weigh-ins can be a source of discouragement, while others find it empowering.

10:69">The key takeaway? It all comes down to purpose and expectations.

12:31">This episode is for you if:

  • 14:55">You're unsure if the scale is helpful or hurtful.
  • 15:61">You experience anxiety or frustration around weigh-ins.
  • You want to learn how to use the scale constructively for weight loss goals.

18:18">We'll discuss:

  • 20:67">Healthy weight ranges and their connection to overall health.
  • 21:82">How to interpret weight fluctuations and separate them from actual progress.
  • 22:66">Setting realistic expectations for your weight loss journey.
  • Alternative ways to track progress beyond the scale (think measurements, body composition, etc.)

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