3:63">In this episode of the Performance Plate Podcast, we delve into intuitive eating.
What is Intuitive Eating?
7:48">We'll break down the core principles, including:
- 9:74">
- 9:74">Tuning into hunger and fullness cues: Learn to differentiate between true hunger and emotional or external eating triggers.
- 10:78">Making peace with food: Discover how to ditch the "good" vs. "bad" food mentality and develop a healthy relationship with all foods.
- Living mindfully: Explore the importance of slowing down and savoring your meals for optimal enjoyment and physical cues.
13:93">But wait, isn't all eating intuitive? We'll address the common misconception and explore:
- 16:53">
- 15:132">The difference between intuition and emotion: Learn how to distinguish true hunger from cravings driven by stress or boredom.
- 16:53">The role of objective data: Discover how using knowledge and experience alongside intuition can lead to healthier choices.
18:31">This episode is for you if:
- 21:64">You struggle with emotional eating or body image concerns.
- You're curious about mindful eating practices.
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24:103"> For more information about Amanda you can visit her Website at https://www.bestatefit.com/ and follow her on instagram at state.fit For more information about Dr. Nick you can visit his Website at https://www.achieveptnj.com/ and follow him on instagram at achieveptnj