You’re sabotaging your success
The Aaron LeBauer ShowMay 03, 2024x
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You’re sabotaging your success

1) Talking about money

2) Sales

3) Email marketing

4) doing the work – being responsible for your own success

5) commitment

6) Tech

7) The APTA

8) belief in yourself

9) sharing your dreams

10) sharing your lessons

11) Asking for help

12) feeling like an imposter

13) when you’re feeling sold to

14) paying for help – physical therapy or coaching

People at the top don’t shit on others below them

5 steps to grow and get to the next level

1) get uncomfortable – growth doesn’t happen in your comfort zone

2) Set goals and work hard towards them, both physical, business and for your family

3) hire a coach – time collapse your results

4) Go to events – masterminds, events, be in the right room