Secrets to Creating Passive Income as a PT
The Aaron LeBauer ShowApril 12, 2024x
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Secrets to Creating Passive Income as a PT

Passive income isn’t work-free. This is working once and continuing to earn income on that effort. 

Here are the 8 secrets to making passive income as a physical therapist.

1) Give Results in Advance

-Give value first to grow your audience. No one is going to buy from you if you don’t give results in advance. Build relationships. Build trust. Then your audience will buy from you.

2) Lead Flow

-Your lead flow starts with blocked, no flow. Then it moves to a trickle. That is followed by a drip. After that, you get a flow. At the very top, you have a flood. The truth is, there are really only 2 kinds. You either have enough leads or you don’t. 

3) Value Ladder

-At the bottom rung, you have a free offer like a lead magnet. Then you move to a Low Barrier Offer (LBO), which is something low cost but high value. Then you move to a primary offer. This is a higher cost item like a plan of care. The top of your value ladder is a monthly recurring membership offer. 

4) Proven Offer

-It can be free and paid, but it has to be proven to work. You can have an idea for something, but you need to know it works before you build it out. You need to know people actually want it.  

5) Work Smarter, not harder

-Most who are struggling don’t have a favorable input to impact ratio. You have to get to a place where yo are leveraging a team and software to increase your impact without increasing our input. I can’t help more people if I’m stuck at a table working on people all day. That’s why I bought back my time with building the right team and software to expand my impact.

6) Evergreen Sales sequence

-Have an automated sequence that moves people along the path to becoming a patient or a client. You want them moving up the value ladder. 

7) Email Marketing System

-You have to use email marketing. You just have to. That’s why we created the PT Email Engine for our CashPT Platinum Mastermind members and we’ve opened it up to everyone. It’s like buying a car and getting free gas for life. I’ve done all the setup for you. You just have to implement it with your email list. 

8) Investing

-You need to start investing at the beginning, but there are different levels of investments. You can start by investing your time to set up a marketing sequence. That’s investing in yourself. You need to invest in your business BEFORE you worry about debt like your student loans. Then you can start investing in the stock market, crypto, and real estate. Real estate can build long-term wealth.   

“If you’re not in the game, you’ll never win the game.”