Recruiting In Today’s Climate With Brian Weidner Of Career Tree Network
Private Practice Owners ClubApril 09, 202400:38:4535.47 MB

Recruiting In Today’s Climate With Brian Weidner Of Career Tree Network

Are you sick and tired of the same old recruiting methods? Today’s guest has some revolutionary insights on how to move away from outsourced recruiting efforts and instead cultivate powerful internal solutions. In this episode of the PTO Club podcast, Adam Robin welcomes Brian Widener, the mastermind behind Career Tree Network. Explore the cutting-edge recruiting strategies that can transform how physical therapy clinics attract the best talent in the industry. Learn how building genuine relationships with candidates can significantly enhance your clinic's appeal and foster long-term growth. It's essential to recognize the pivotal role of an owner's focus in driving recruitment success and take the necessary steps to create a robust employer brand that resonates with potential hires.

Ready to take your physical therapy clinic's recruitment game to the next level? Don't miss out on these expert insights!

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